Artifacts are items found throughout the map that seem to be remnants of pre-collapse society. They can be found through platforming, diving, questing, spelunking, or even just lying on the beach. Once donated to the museum, Professor Woolington will put them on display in the exhibit hall of the Royal Museum for the player and critters to look at.
There are many artifacts found on the actual islands themselves. Some are quest rewards. Some can just be gathered. Some are at dive locations and shipwrecks near the islands.
Boomerang Bay[]
Critter Cove[]
Five Little Crabs[]
Hot Tropic[]
Hotter Tropic[]
Shallow Sands[]
Dive Sites and Shipwrecks[]
In addition to the islands, there are several dive sites and shipwrecks that are unique unto themselves.
Anchor's Lost Shipwreck[]
Broken Highway[]
Carfel Tower[]
Rigs Outpost[]
Submerged Docks[]
Sunken Ruins[]
Unmarked Leviathan Remains[]
Worldwide Drops[]
Some naturally occurring items can also be donated and displayed in the museum, most of which can be found on the main island, though they are present worldwide.