Critter Cove Wiki

Critter Cove acts as a central point to the world and is the player's new home upon their arrival after a grand adventure with Anchor. Initially, the only residents that can be found living on this island are Renard, Pokee, Sammi and Copperbottom - but as the player begins to refurbish the island back to its former glory, many more Critters will stumble across this island, and some might even decide to move in!


These are the buildings found on Critter Cove.


A Stitch in Time
The local fashion boutique in Critter Cove. A variety of clothing styles and types are sold here for the player to purchase and wear.


Bait Shop
The fishing supply store of Critter Cove. It sells various lures to help players attract different kinds of fish.

Black whiskers

Blackwhisker's Cafe
The local coffee shop in Critter Cove, and the first tourist-serving building that the player restores. It serves food and drink items the player can't get anywhere else.


Furniture Store
The furniture and home goods supplier of Critter Cove. Furniture, unique blueprints, and housing modifications are sold here.


Probably the most notable feature of Critter Cove whose light can be seen across the map. Building the lighthouse unlocks tourism for the island.


Port Office
The harbor office and where Anchor works during the day. There is a mailbox outside where excess items are sent when the player's inventory is full.


A shop run by Renard where the player can buy some basic supplies and sell back items for profit.


Royal Museum of Science, Nature and Stuff
The local museum run by Professor Woolington that displays all the artifacts the player donates in exhibits.


The Tipsy Toucan Tavern
The resident watering hole of Critter Cove where players can purchase drinks from an exclusive menu.


The central crafting hub of the island managed by Copperbottom. It's a two story building where most workstations will be placed.

Points of Interest[]

These are the various points of interest to explore on or around the island.

Cave Icon

Dive Helmet Icon

Dive Spots
Shipwreck Icon

  • Fabricator Cave
  • Hidden Cave
  • Cargo Crates
  • Old Workshop
  • Underwater Garage
  • Shipwreck

Blueprint Murals[]

The following blueprint murals can be found on this island:

Special Items[]

Special items are artifacts or other items of note the player may want to collect. The following items can be found on or around the island:


  • Critter Cove was initially called Happy Harbor but was later renamed.

