Critter Cove Wiki

Engineer Worktable Engineer Worktable is a crafting station. Here, the player can craft a number of different items. This worktable becomes automatically available with the completion of the Workshop.

Craftable Items[]

This is a non-exhaustive list of items craftable at the Engineer Worktable. Please continue to add to and update this list as the game progresses!


  • All items crafted at the Engineer Worktable and Furniture Worktable Furniture Worktable take 0 seconds to make according to the game. However, this is somewhat incorrect. While at other crafting stations, there will be a timer above them indicating how long the crafting process will take, there is not one at either the Engineer or Furniture Worktables, taking only the crafting animation time takes to play out to craft the items. This is just a second or two in real time.