Critter Cove Wiki
A school of Fancy Tail Chompers off the coast of Critter Cove.

A school of Fancy Tail Chompers off the coast of Critter Cove.

So, you want to learn how fish? Barnacle will help you get started! He can be found on a small, unmarked island just south of Critter Cove, called Oh Cay. Barnacle will give the player the quest Fishing is Oh Cay during which the player will learn to craft a Basic Fishing Pole and catch fish. As the player advances in the game, they will have the opportunity to open the Bait Shop and buy additional types of lures to catch different fish.

Current Knowledge[]

  • The time of day does not affect the fish availability. Devs on Discord suggest this might change in the future.
  • If you see a fish swimming in the water, it can usually be caught there.
  • Some fish are rare and have a very low chance to be found.
  • Some fish need a specific lure to be caught.
  • While fishing you will catch Trash Salvage items. These items are on a worldwide loot table, and some are rarer than others.
  • Lures are only used up when catching actual fish and not with salvage items.
  • To attach a lure to your hook, in inventory, click on the lure you want to use and an "X" symbol will appear on the item (clicking again un-equips it).
  • All fish can be recycled for oil (some give more oil than others).

Locations and Lures[]

Fish Lure Locations
Batfish Batfish Green Spinner Green Spinner Critter Cove

Hot Tropic
Hotter Tropic
Oh Cay

Cyclops Jelly Cyclops Jelly Green Spinner Green Spinner Hot Tropic
Driller Shrimp Driller Shrimp Bobber Any Lure Anchor's Lost Shipwreck
Fancy Tail Chomper Fancy Tail Chomper Red Duster Red Duster Critter Cove

Shallow Sands

Flipflop Flipflop Bobber Any Lure Boomerang Bay

Five Little Crabs
Hotter Tropic
Submerged Docks

Golden Snarf Golden Snarf Red Duster Red Duster Five Little Crabs

Submerged Docks

Gupper Gupper Bobber Any Lure Critter Cove

Hot Tropic
Hotter Tropic
Oh Cay
Shallow Sands
Sunken Ruins

Moonfish Moonfish Bobber Any Lure Anchor's Lost Shipwreck
Opapus Opapus Bobber Any Lure Critter Cove

Five Little Crabs
Hot Tropic
Shallow Sands
Sunken Ruins

Paddle Tail Paddle Tail Razor Back Razor Back Hot Tropic
Pizza Fish Pizza Fish Bobber Any Lure Carfel Tower

Five Little Crabs

Pteraspis Pteraspis Bobber Any Lure Carfel Tower

Hot Tropic
Submerged Docks
Sunken Ruins

Racer Ray Racer Ray Butterfly Butterfly Anchor's Lost Shipwreck

Boomerang Bay
Hot Tropic
Rigs Outpost
Sunken Ruins

Razortooth Razortooth Razor Back Razor Back Five Little Crabs

Hot Tropic
Hotter Tropic
Oh Cay
Rigs Outpost
Submerged Docks
Sunken Ruins

Sailback Racer Sailback Racer Razor Back Razor Back Carfel Tower

Hot Tropic

Seaflag Seaflag Butterfly Butterfly Rigs Outpost

Shallow Sands

Squidlettes Squidlettes Bobber Any Lure Anchor's Lost Shipwreck

Boomerang Bay
Critter Cove
Five Little Crabs
Hot Tropic
Oh Cay
Rigs Outpost

Tube-eyed Squid Tube-eyed Squid Green Spinner Green Spinner Boomerang Bay

Shallow Sands
Sunken Ruins

Whiptail Eel Whiptail Eel Butterfly Butterfly Hotter Tropic

Oh Cay

Zebra Eel Zebra Eel Butterfly Butterfly Hot Tropic

Sunken Ruins

Worldwide Fishing Pool[]

Salvage can be fished up anywhere in the world and some are rarer than others. No lure is consumed when fishing up salvage.

Bird Cage Bird Cage
Broken Antenna Broken Antenna
Broken Clock Broken Clock
Broken Horn Broken Horn
Car Seat Car Seat
Chain Chain
Cloth Cloth
Cookpot Cookpot
Eyeglasses Eyeglasses
Furnace Furnace
Glass Glass
Golf Club Golf Club
Life Preserver Life Preserver
Metal Metal
Metal Bucket Metal Bucket
Metal Number Plate Metal Number Plate
Mop Mop
Old Bottle Old Bottle
Old Plunger Old Plunger
Old Surfboard Old Surfboard
Power Box Power Box

Propeller Propeller
Rubber Rubber
Rubber Tire Rubber Tire
Ruined Umbrella Ruined Umbrella
Rusty Anchor Rusty Anchor
Rusty Tank Rusty Tank
Salvaged Bed Salvaged Bed
Salvaged Cabinet Salvaged Cabinet
Salvaged Chair Salvaged Chair
Salvaged Couch Salvaged Couch
Salvaged Lamp Salvaged Lamp
Salvaged Table Salvaged Table
Salvaged Wardrobe Salvaged Wardrobe
Spinny Wind Maker Spinny Wind Maker
Tire Rim Tire Rim
Traffic Cone Traffic Cone
Trash Trash
Trashcan Lid Trashcan Lid
Treadmill Treadmill
Wire Hanger Wire Hanger
Wood Wood

