Critter Cove Wiki

There are 8 types of food in Critter Cove. Each type consists of cooked dishes and items that can be foraged for in the wild (and then grown at home by planting seeds). Cooking recipes often call for specifically forageable items. See each food type's page for more details.

Food by Type[]

Fish Foods Fish[]

Fruit Foods Fruit[]

Gross Foods Gross[]

Meat Foods Meat[]

Salty Foods Salty[]

Spicy Foods Spicy[]

Sweet Foods Sweet[]

Vegetable Foods Vegetable[]

Purchasable Foods[]

Blackwhisker's Cafe Blackwhisker's Cafe[]

The Tipsy Toucan Tavern The Tipsy Toucan Tavern[]

Drinks are sold here and have no type. See The Tipsy Toucan Tavern The Tipsy Toucan Tavern for a complete list.
