Renard will ask the player to help find Copperbottom and repair them so they can help restore the Workshop. Copperbottom will provide the player with the wrench blueprint once he is provided with oil.
Quest Description[]
Now that I've gotten myself some place to live, it's time to start getting the town all cleaned up. With a lot of hard work (and a bit of luck) I should be able to help turn it from this run down mess into a thriving community. Renard told me about a handybot named Copperbottom. He has asked me to lend the robot my assistance. So that is just what I'm going to do.
Rusty Copper?[]
Renard asked me to find a handybot named Copperbottom. The handybot was supposed to be fixing up the Workshop but hasn't been seen in a while, so Renard is concerned that it might have gotten wet while collecting resources. Renard gave me a can of oil to use on Copperbottom just in case it's needed.
Craft a wrench[]
Copperbottom is worried about my lack of metal hands that can easily dismantle metal debris, so he did me a solid and gave me a blueprint for a wrench. Armed with this knowledge I should just be able to gather up a few materials and craft one for myself. Just check the crafting journal to see what is needed. Once I have crafted a wrench, I should head to the workshop and speak to Copperbottom again.
Talk to Copperbottom[]
Now that I've got myself a handy wrench, Copperbottom wanted to talk to me again. He said he would be waiting for me over by the workshop. Even though Copperbottom is a robot and probably has extraordinary patience, it probably isn't polite to keep him waiting for long.
Chop Barricades[]
Copperbottom has asked me to remove the wooden barricades that have been stacked around the Workshop. He has supplied me with a blueprint to craft an axe so that I can use it to chop all the barricades down.
- Required Items
- Craft
- Chop 6 barricades around Workshop
- Craft
Repair Workshop[]
The Workshop is in pretty good shape -- Copperbottom just needs a few basic resources to get it up and running. Once I've gathered all the materials, I should place them in the donation box and Copperbottom will complete his repairs. I should be able to find the resources needed around the island either by using tools to dismantle things around town or by just picking up what I need. Salvage is an excellent way to find usable resources that I will need to fix up the town.
- Required Items