A list of named locations that can be found in Critter Cove.
Overview Map[]

Boomerang Bay[]
A semi-crescent shaped tropical island NE of Critter Cove.
Special Critters & Quests[]
Points of Interest[]
Blueprint Murals[]
Special Items[]

Critter Cove[]
The island of Critter Cove acts as a central point to the world and is the players new home upon their arrival after a grand adventure with Anchor. Initially, the only residents that can be found living on this island are Renard, Pokee, Sammi and Copperbottom. As the player begins to refurbish the island back to its former glory, many more Critters will stumble across this island, and some might even decide to move in.
- A Stitch in Time
- Bait Shop
- Blackwhisker's Cafe
- Furniture Store
- Lighthouse
- Port Office
- Renard's
- Royal Museum
- The Tipsy Toucan Tavern
- Workshop
Special Critters[]
Points of Interest[]
Blueprint Murals[]
Special Items[]

Five Little Crabs[]
Special Critters[]
Points of Interest[]
Blueprint Murals[]
Special Items[]

Hot Tropic[]
This is a twin island chain consisting of two islands, the archway riddled Shallow Sands up north and the Rocky 'Hot Tropic' down south.
Special Critters[]
Points of Interest[]
Blueprint Murals[]
Special Items[]

Hotter Tropic[]
A hot, tropical island surrounded by a coral reef a little way offshore.
Special Critters[]
Points of Interest[]
Special Items[]

Shallow Sands[]
This is a twin island chain consisting of two islands, the archway riddled Shallow Sands up north and the Rocky 'Hot Tropic' down south.
Special Critters[]
Points of Interest[]
Special Items[]
Other POIs[]

Oh Cay[]

Rigs Outpost[]