Critter Cove Wiki

The player character can cook food at a Campfire Campfire, Cooking Station Cooking Station or Oven Oven.

Below are the recipes currently known to be available in the early access version of the game.

Players must put them in the order listed above, or as seen in their Cooking Station, to produce the recipe or they will produce Slop Slop.

Some of the base ingredients -such as Flour, Salt or Sugar- can sometimes be found in floating debris in the ocean, while fruits, vegetables, or even meat can be gathered on certain plants, both above ground and underwater.

NPCs will sometimes request some food because they are hungry. It is up to the player to find out their likes and dislikes. If an NPC likes or dislikes an ingredient, it will be noted in your Journal.

One-Ingredient Recipes[]

You can cook these recipes using a Campfire Campfire, Cooking Station Cooking Station, or Oven Oven.

Two-Ingredient Recipes[]

You can cook these recipes using the Cooking Station Cooking Station or Oven Oven.

Three-Ingredient Recipes[]

You can cook these recipes using a Cooking Station Cooking Station or Oven Oven.

Four-Ingredient Recipes[]

You can cook these recipes using an Oven Oven.

Five-Ingredient Recipes[]

You can cook these recipes using an Oven Oven.

