Critter Cove Wiki

Renard's is the eponymously named general store in Critter Cove run by the rat, Renard. Here the player can buy a variety of resources and sell items collected during gameplay.

Shop Stock[]

The following items can be bought from Renard's daily.

Item Stock Cost
Broken Motor Broken Motor 1 20 Doubloon
Cloth Cloth 5 7 Doubloon
Cookpot Cookpot 1 20 Doubloon
Electronic Parts Electronic Parts 5 4 Doubloon
Furnace Furnace 1 24 Doubloon
Mechanical Parts Mechanical Parts 5 4 Doubloon
Oil Oil 5 4 Doubloon
Rubber Tire Rubber Tire 1 16 Doubloon
Rusty Tank Rusty Tank 1 24 Doubloon
Splodey Gas Tank Splodey Gas Tank 1 45 Doubloon
Trashcan Lid Trashcan Lid 1 6 Doubloon
Treadmill Treadmill 1 30 Doubloon

