Critter Cove Wiki

Renard is the owner of Renard's in Critter Cove. He is a pale gray rat with a crooked mustache, jagged teeth, and the worst haircut money can buy. He is responsible for the initial arrival of Anchor, the Captain, Pokee, and Sammi, through varying degrees of false advertising and misleading job descriptions.


Scheming, clever, and business-savvy, Renard's dream is to restore Critter Cove. In addition to being the one who initially hired the Captain, he also arranges for everything that they'll need to achieve their ambition. He uses his connections to import goods, contact tourism authorities, and compensate the residents of Critter Cove for trading in raw materials.



  • Renard was initially designed as a silver fox, but was eventually redesigned into a rat while keeping his name.
  • The bulletin board notification about rats was actually written before this overhaul.
  • Renard has two Discord emojis drawn by Joony

