Critter Cove Wiki

Copperbottom tells the player about how to build a Simple Forge on the Engineer Worktable. After repairing the Workshop, Copperbottom will let the player know of a blueprint for a Fabricator under the water.

Quest Description[]

Copperbottom has completed the repairs on the Workshop but it's still missing a few things. I'm going to need furnish the Workshop with the stations we will need to craft the materials needed to fix up the town. Fortunately, the Workshop already comes equipped with most of the recipes and an Engineer Worktable that I'll need to craft everything.

Place a Simple Forge[]

My first step is to craft and place down a Simple Forge in the Workshop area. All I need to do is check the Engineer Worktable to see what resources I'll need to craft one. Some recipes require special salvage items that I'll need to find while exploring the world. Fortunately, most of the resources I'll need are pretty simple to find except for the Furnace. Copperbottom thinks I should find something suitable by exploring nearby shipwrecks.

Forge a Metal Bar[]

Copperbottom wants me to confirm that the Simple Forge is in good working order and has asked me to use it to make one Metal Bar. I just need to use the machine, select the item that I want to start crafting, and then supply it with the raw materials. It will take a few moments to completely refine the Metal into a Metal Bar.

Talk to Copperbottom[]

Copperbottom asked me to use the Simple Forge to make a Metal Bar. Now that is done, I'll see if he needs me to do anything else.

A Missing Blueprint[]

Apparently the workshop is missing a blueprint for a Fabricator. Copperbottom was searching for this blueprint when he got himself wet earlier and has asked me to continue the search. He says there's an underwater cave near where he got rusted that he thinks might hold answers we need. I should go explore the cave and see if I can find the missing blueprint.

Place the Fabricator[]

Now that I've learned the Fabricator blueprint I need to craft one and place it inside the workshop area. The blueprint seems pretty straightforward except that I need to learn the blueprint for a Simple Motor first. Copperbottom has let me know that I should be able to figure out how to craft a Simple Motor by dismantling old engines that I can find around wrecks.

Talk to Copperbottom[]

I managed to find the missing Fabricator recipe, crafted one, and place it down. Now I should see if Copperbottom has anything else for me to do.

Place a Simple Cutter[]

Next, Copperbottom wants me to place down a Simple Cutter that I can use to refine wood into planks. I need to find a Treadmill as its base, which Copperbottom thinks I can find in some cargo containers just off the docks of Critter Cove.

Talk to Copperbottom[]

I've set up a Simple Cutter in the workshop area. I should let Copperbottom know that I've finished.

Place a Stone Kiln[]

In order to complete the basic crafting stations needed for an operational workshop, I need to craft and place down a Stone Kiln. I'm going to need this in order to make the bricks needed to finish up all the damaged buildings in Critter Cove.

Talk to Copperbottom[]

I completed the Stone Kiln that Copperbottom asked for and now should check back in to see what else he might have for me.

Talk to Renard[]

Copperbottom has told me that he doesn't have the data he needs in order to begin fixing up shops in town. I need to speak to Renard about this and see if he has any solutions to the issue.

