Critter Cove Wiki

Quest Description[]

Renard has asked me to make another middle-of-the-night trip to pick up a package. Renard assures me (again) that nothing is wrong, but he's being even more sketchy than ever. I think I need to start asking some questions.

Sherlock Shenanigans[]

This package I'm delivering for Renard looks strangely like the one Anchor gave me the scuba gear to dive for... and Anchor avoided my questions about what it was... I need to take it to Renard, but I think I also need to start an investigation.

I Smell a Rat[]

I'm positive now that Renard has involved Critter Cove in some nefarious activities, but he won't tell me what's going on. I think I'd better talk with some of the shopkeepers to see if they have more information (it sounds like they might need my help). I think I'll talk to three shop workers and also to Anchor to see if I can figure out what's going on.

You Did What?[]

I need to see what Renard has to say about the Celestial Hellhounds.
