Critter Cove Wiki

Sweet foods is one of the types of food in Critter Cove. Sweet food items will have the Sweet Foods icon in the tooltip.

Foraged Foods[]

The following are sweet foods that can be found in the wild.

Cooked Foods[]

The following are sweet foods that can be cooked.

Note: The Fruit Foods Any Fruit and Meat Foods Any Meat ingredients refer to only foraged foods, not cooked dishes.

Cooked Sweet Foods
Dish Ingredients Sell Value Kiosk
Candied Candy Candied Candy Sweet Foods Any Sweet Food x1
Sugar Sugar × 1
Doubloon 9 None
Candied Fruit Candied Fruit Fruit Foods Any Fruit x1
Sugar Sugar × 1
Doubloon 9 None
Candy Candy Sugar Sugar × 1
Doubloon 6 None
Caramel Crabapple Caramel Crabapple Crabapple Crabapple × 1

Sugar Sugar × 1

Doubloon 10 None
Fruit Pie Fruit Pie Fruit Foods Any Fruit x1
Sugar Sugar × 1

Flour Flour × 1

Doubloon 12 Brain Freeze Treats Brain Freeze Treats
Ice Cream Ice Cream Sugar Sugar × 1

Poconut Poconut × 1

Doubloon 9 Brain Freeze Treats Brain Freeze Treats
Mondy Crispo Mondy Crispo Bread Bread × 1

Meat Foods Any Meat x1
Fruit Foods Any Fruit x1
Green Egg Green Egg × 1

Doubloon 20 Snack Shack Snack Shack
Nut Jelly Sandwich Nut Jelly Sandwich Bread Bread × 1

Poconut Poconut × 1
Jam Jam × 1

Doubloon 5 None
Pancakes Pancakes Poconut Poconut × 1

Flour Flour × 1
Egg Egg × 1

Doubloon 5 None
Sugar Sugar Sweet Foods Any Sweet Food x1
Doubloon 3 None

Purchased Foods[]

The following are sweet foods that can be purchased at Blackwhisker's Cafe Blackwhisker's Cafe.


  • Sugar Sugar can be obtained by foraging and cooking.
  • The following cooked dishes sell for less than the ingredients sold individually.