Critter Cove Wiki

Unmemorial Tower is the transmitter for the CRTR Radio Station, located on Boomerang Bay. It's the first building the player may build that is not located on Critter Cove and requires the player to go to Boomerang Bay to start its quest. The tower is manned by the two otter brothers, Isaac & Roman.

The actual name of the tower will vary based on the player's name. Isaac & Roman will try to name it the "(Player Name) Memorial Tower" but are reminded that the player is still very much alive and so, it is dubbed "(Player Name) Unmemorial Tower."

Building Unmemorial Tower[]

Unlike buildings on Critter Cove, Unmemorial Tower's construction is triggered by the quest "Radio Killed the Stage Star" which the player must seek out in Boomerang Bay, In this quest, the player will be tasked to craft and find various items the brothers ask for then deliver the items to Boomerang Bay.

The following materials will be needed across the entire quest line:

CRTR Radio[]


The antique radio on a dresser

Once the tower is completed, Isaac & Roman give the File:Antique Radio.png Antique Radio back to the player to take with them to Critter Cove. The player can listen to the radio by interacting with it to get the forecast for the next three days.

CRTR Radio tells the player what the weather will be and when tourists are scheduled to arrive. After receiving the forecast, the calendar in the player's journal will be updated with icons representing weather and tourism days.

Currently there are three types of weather that can occur:

  • Sunny (no icon)
  • Showers (snowflake icon)
  • Storm (lightning bolt icon)

